The load I developed for my .50 schimmel consists of 75 grains of 2f Goex under a .495 home cast ball and .020 Wal-mart pillow ticking lubed with a 50/50 mix of Ballistol/water. I'm not sure of its 100 yard performance as all of my hunting shots have been under 75 yards.
I've killed deer reliably with this load, but always wondered if it was underpowered; at least until I killed two with one shot. I had a doe and two fawns in front of me 60 yards. The doe was standing broadside when I took the shot. I hadn't noticed that one of the fawns had walked beside her as I took aim and fired. At the shot, the doe went down and the fawns took off. One ran about 30 yards and did a complete summersault and piled up. The ball had gone completely through the doe and into the chest of the fawn standing (hidden) beside her. I found the flattened ball just under the hide on the far side of the fawns rib cage. Sure glad I had two tags in my back pocket that day! Never doubted my load after that.