Good Morning. Like myself with my artificial teeth, a few pieces of titanium inside, I am still a 60 year old antique of sorts with some great stories from some great moments. The addition of a very small % of non-period repairing would alter the look, marketplace value, and upset purists. Agreed and I too am usually one of those folks. However, I have enjoyed restoring and repairs military surplus rifles for many years. Was much easier with WWI era riles that had plenty of parts at Numrich including stocks. For these 240+ year old warhorses, no such luck. I would like to have a weapon close to issue and yes, I could have spent much more for a pristine piece but I do enjoy the working on the weapons. Unfortunately, you would not want me near any type of woodworking. So, I am considering finding a good craftsman who can do some splicing. Thanks, Randy