To answer your original question, I heard somewhere that Gunline was not currently active but there was some talk about someone buying it. But that was quite a while ago and I have not seen many of their products for quite a while. Sadly, there is no longer much call for gunsmithing tools, it is a tiny hobbiest market now since most modern guns are made of plastic. Like Scota and HH say, just make your own. It is fun and you will just learn more about working with metal. If you can ever make it to the CLA show, Dixons, Friendship or whatever, there are usually some very high quality, well designed tools available from gunsmiths specific to longrifle building, I got a sweet set of 12 scraper blades with an interchangeable handle from Dennis Priddy at the CLA show, much better than the Gunline ones I have. Cheaper too.