The following happened to one build and is the reason I elongate the pin holes. Sometime after the bbl lugs were pinned, this build sat for a couple mos and when I started to work on it again, the music wire pins wouldn't pull out. Finally got them out but couldn't push them in w/o doing some damage. So henceforth, all pin holes have been elongated.
Have encountered this situation w/ a finished LR, but not as severe....but, this brings up the question. How good is a final finish which doesn't prevent the stock from shrinking and expanding?
At the start of final finishing, the entire stock has 2 coats of's even applied to the RR hole and only the surfaces under permanent inlays are excepted. Even after the final coats of finish have ben applied and the LR has sat for a few months, the stock either shrinks or expands. Some stocks hardly change but others change a noticeable amount.
Possibly the only solution is to finish the LR w/ the plastic like finish found on modern, factory guns....have never noticed any expansion or contraction of the wood on any of my modern guns. But, this factory finish looks like heck on a LR.
Have tried different finishes and all the ones I used allowed the stock to change.....Fred