I will be the first person to admit , I AM NOT ARTISTICALLY INCLINED. I have struggled for years to learn to draw. When I was a kid and, first met Ron Ehlert , I was VERY intimidated by his artistic talent. Those of you that knew Ron , knew how great his ability was. If he drew a picture it looked just like it should. Me not so much. Ron knew that my ability was very limited. He gave me the best advise ever on this type of art. He would allow me to take a book home with me , and he would pic a design out of the book , and I would try to draw it . Most of them got torn up by Ron , and he would make me do it again until it was passable. He said that the ONLY way to learn 18th century art was to practice 18th century art. C and S scrolls , vines , foliage are the "basics" . When I first started my C scrolls looked more like gears , than scrolls. After many years of practice I am still not where I would like to be . I still like to use old carvings for the basis of my design , I might alter it some , to make it my own. I would strongly advise anyone that is seriously thinking about building guns , practice drawing the basics , C and S scrolls leaves , vines , and foliage. There are some SUPER artistic people right here on the forum. When you look at their best designs , they still use the basics , the real masters , know how to take these elements and incorporate them into their own designs. Look at Jim Kibler`s carving , he is among the best. He doesn't reinvent the wheel , he uses traditional elements , and arranges them in a manner that is very appealing to the eye. JMHO Nate