Phill, Do you know if Sharon used Cherry corners parts? They also rifled their barrels with 8 grooves. I have a Sharon barrel that is stamped very lightly, easy to draw file off, Douglas barrels were stamped deeper and hard to remove, those underlugs are like the Sharon underlugs possibly a Sharon kit?...?...Ed
As Rich said, Sharon used their own parts except for the locks and triggers which were from L&R. The Sharon barrels did have 8 grooves, but they had a slow twist of 1:72. I believe you said your rifle had a twist of 1:66, that's why I said it might be a Douglas barrel.
Sharon did not use any Cherry Corners parts. They developed their own breech plug that has a very recognizable snail.
Sharon Breech PlugsBesides the breech plug, Sharon's entry pipe was unique as Don Stith pointed out on another thread and their underlugs, butt plate on the half stock Hawken, and barrel wedge escutcheons were their own design.
The only parts I see on your rifle that look like they might have come from Sharon are the underlugs and the butt plate. Sharon's butt plate on their half stock Hawken had a toe that swept way back, probably much further than it should.
One of the things that Art Ressel pointed out in his catalogs about original Hawken rifles is that if one holds the rifle vertical with the barrel perpendicular to the floor and lower the rifle down, the heel of the butt should touch the floor, but the toe should still be a fraction of an inch above the floor. The Sharon butt plate let the toe touch first.
You have a very nice looking Hawken rifle.