I think the pitting looks correct when it's in the right places, not everywhere on the gun metal. On original barrels, pitting is heaviest on the lock side of the breech. There is often gunk around the rear sight where moisture collects. The area between the lock and rear sight is often smoother from carrying there.
On the lock, the pan, the frizzen pivot area, the lockplate area between the cock and pan and the frizzen spring top arm all collects and holds fouling and is hard to clean and dry well. These show pitting, as will the hard-to-clean top jaw and lower jaw and post on the cock.
On double set trickers or single trickers, all the nooks and crannies will rust and the pad you squeeze will be bright.
On iron mounts, there should be pitting on an iron nosecap and some crannies on the guard but not on the grip rail whrere it will be smooth.