Some things they never had "back then". True oil, permalyn, dozens of other finishes, band saws, optivisors. internet forums, gun makers fairs, acraglass, Track of the wolf. all electric type tools, kits, 12L14, UPS, and most of all Super glue. You can use everyone of these materials and still build a authentic looking and efficient rifle. If any one person chooses not to use any of these, does that make him superior to those who don't. All through the centuries methods and materials advanced. At what date then does the PC crowd draw the line? There is nothing to stop anybody who desires to do so from building a totally pc correct rifle by totally correct methods but we aware your going to slip up somewhere along the line. And it will take you years to learn how. Even the books you buy never existed back then. Better do some more thinking. you will also starve while doing so. In the end you will not have accomplished anything that spomebody else never did and not many will care.
No need to lock this thread it will wear itself out pretty soon.