Things don't always go smoothly, below is a good example.
This is the starting piece.
Here it is drilled, mounted on a mandrel and rough turned.
This one shows the portion to be threaded.
Here it is being tapped for the Jig, same one used in the other part.
This one shows it lubed and the Jig screwed in.
Starting it on the die.
The next Two show disaster, first you can see the crack, then you can see how it
came apart. Must have been some delamination that I didn't see.
A new tip mounted and ready to turn, we'll skip the above details.
The die is mounted in the vice and the horn is being turned with a small pipe
Threaded but once again with a crack that the chip came from. It will still work
since it will be shortened.
Cup drilled out.
Mouth piece opened up a bit.
Next Three show it back on the mandrel and being shaped.
This one shows it screwed into the collar to be finish turned.
Here it is screwed onto the horn.
Now the work begin on the horn body which is pretty standard, rasping, filing, scraping sanding. I am going to fit a band at the Bell for strength.
Tim C.