Jerry, Herb, I've been thinking about what you guys said and want to see if I understand this correctly. At first I didn't understand how a bottoming tap would screw up the seat. I'm just a mill mtc repairman, not a machinist
I have the taps sizes mentioned and the bottoming taps look perfectly flat on the bottom, but I think I see how that flat bottom, especially the corners created where the bottom surface and flutes meet, might dig/plow into the plug's seating surface of the barrel if any force were applied after the tap reached bottom. Is that what you meant could ruin the seat?
So shaping it like Herb did, and to a proper size, makes the bottom surface of the tap slightly smaller than, and clears, the bore and seat as the tap is run in?
Initially I was thinking that using the bottoming tap would be the way to go, but bottoming taps are the ones I always seem to miss most when I don't have them, and if doesn't matter which one out of the set I alter, I'll probably 'sacrifice' the tapered taps in these sets, unless there's a good reason to use the bottom tap that I'm not seeing.
Anyhow, does it sound like I'm on the right track here... or?