I got back from Friendship the other day with my newest purchase.
A beautiful fully engraved .32 Fleener flintlock!
A friend of mine was camping in Primative and noticed it for sale at one of the camps. He told me about it. He made a bid on it but the fella wanted cash not a check.
I made a deal with the seller to trade a little 32 gauge Belgium SxS and some cash for it if he didn't sell it. As luck would have it, I sold the little double which gave me enough
to purchase the rifle outright. The seller was selling because of recent medical bills so he needed the cash more than the gun.
I think there was a little jealousy in the Tn. camp that night. There was some talk that I could "flip" the rifle and make some money but that's the furthest thing from my mind!
Somebody will get her when I pass away. She is fully and beautifully engraved and inlayed with a push button patchbox, 3/4 .32 Douglas bbl and hard maple stock. She has a "winged horse"
inlayed on the cheek piece. I believe that is "Pegasus" so I'm going to call her "Peggy."
I might try to post some pictures if I can figure it out. Anyway post up your Fleener rifles if you want.
Any information about "Peggy" would be greatly appreciated!