A few years ago..I received a quality pair of Fiskars
LEFTHAND scissors in my Christmas Stocking. One of the best, most useful presents I've gotten in a long time. I buy my patch material in bulk...a couple of yards at a time. I measure and cut strips off the whole cloth piece, then trace circles on the strips using a plastic pill bottle of appropriate size
(I seem to have a lot of those around me these days.. ).Cutting between the circles creates squares with my circular patch drawn on each one, I finally cut out the circle to create round patches. I know...I know...
Please don't waste keystrokes telling me how totally unnecessary it is.
Frankly...I find it quite relaxing to sit quietly at the desk in my Gun room with the door closed and the radio playing softly in the background.....following the line on each square piece with my scissors, focusing on cutting out a perfect circle each time.
I suspect there's a "Zen quality thing" going on much like that experienced by some of the folks here who build their own rifles. I don't know, but I enjoy it as part of my shooting hobby just as I do when I weight-grade my home cast roundballs. I have neither the space, tools or knowledge for rifle building but these are things I can do.