I fastened a silver thumpiece with silver nails ( my second one that I have installed ) so not much experience with them,
And it turned out okay when I permantly installed them, except there was 2 nails that I made out of silver wire, when I peened the head of the nail they didn't quite fill the gap, I was going to engrave the border so I went through the nail head on the first one which then it didn't make it noticeable, but then when I got to the second one as I was engraving through the nail head, half the head broke off,
well it wasn't what i planned, didn't like the appearance of it.
I'm sure there is a way to fix that? Just trying to figure out the option. Any ideas? What didn't help matters I put a little dab of glue in the nail hole ( beings it was predrilled ). One thought I had was to try to drill the nail out, maybe I can at least get the top part out, and then drive another nail down in it, and then peen in the gap again, but maybe part of the original nail might still be in it, didn't know how well that would hold?
So there you have it, Any thoughts or ideas that what would work? Did this ever happen to any other gunbuilders? And if so, how did you correct it? Or??
Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!