'Fantasy rifle', which I never thought of as a slur, outside putting Laverne & Shirley on a patchbox, came up because the OP opined on making his own lock plate style and the discordant balance to him between the lock and washer on a southern mountain rifle. Not because some folks like BB and EK like to build incredibly fabulous frontier-made parts guns. Regardless of 'connotation' if he put a sweet pierced sterling silver side plate depicting Saint Peter and the Basilica from a proper English Fowling Piece on his TN poorboy because he thought it looked good opposite a Late Ketland, he'd get a lot of questions about what he was thinking from a lot of guys on this site. He'd also get a lot of attaboys from the head-patters, no doubt. But some of you who say "fantasy is a slur" would be rolling your eyes. My point was, learn to play the guitar, then learn to riff. Or just riff. Either is A-ok, but riffing later is better. I don't think "build whatever you want" is very helpful to someone just getting his mind around all this, who asks, on a site dedicated to the study and appreciation of the American Longrifle, if and how he should deviate.