I refinished a part using Wahkon Bay Tru-Blu Reagent, but instead of boiling, I simply heated the part with a Propane Torch and sprayed on a solution of Distilled Water and a bit of 70% Isopropyl Alcohol (I use for cleaning). The Part turned Blue as it does when boiled.
I don't think the Alcohol is necessary and this technique will likely work with just plain distilled water, but it is what I had at hand and used.
Usual cold rust blue application technique was used; Clean, apply, rust, card, repeat. I did this 5 times over a day and a half.
I did dilute the WB solution with a little distilled water since the bottle was old and likely some evaporation concentrated the solution a bit.
After the final carding, I heated the part to about the same temperature that I would use for hot rust browning / bluing with BC Plum Brown or Mark Lee Express solutions, then sprayed on the Water - it turned dark blue. After oiling the part darkened to black.
The part is evenly colored and fine grained. I plan to try this on a Barrel sometime with LMF or Mark Lee since my Wahkon Bay bottle is nearly empty.