Im Hesitate to post this Butt.
I just finished a Fowler and have had lots of trouble with It.
The gun shoots real good groups at 25 yards. one hole no lie!!
But at 50 its just terrible I mean Off A BENCH you Can't shoot 16inch groups.
it dose matter how you load it with what powder , Bare ball with 100gr of 2f , patched Balls , different size balls, different patches Powders etc, etc, etc.
So a friend at the range that's a good builder and shooter "Jack" watched me shoot and spotted a few rounds said send the barrel back.
Well I really really wanted to BUTT- I made a Breech Plug, cut 2 lugs, put in a white lighten Flash hole, cut a groove and Solder a front sight, and also cut 3 inches from the front of the muzzle. I Figured there's no way Track is going to take this back.
Well I'm a Machinist I should be able to figure this out! so I started really checking the Bore I mounted the barrel in my lathe and run a long nose indicator down the Muzzle end - well its not round .0025 total indicator reading. not good .
so I checked the breech worse .004 TIR. so I get out some Telescoping Gauges and confirm same thing and NOT UNIFORM size on Muzzle kinda egg shaped to about 3.5" deep (that's as far as I could measure). It looks real nice with a light though??
So I got a Piece of scotch bright and run thru the bore.
That told the story right away "IT'S A RIFLE REJECT" I could see the spiral of a once
rifled bore.
So yesterday I Brazed a reamer to a long piece of bar stock at told myself I dont think you can hurt it. I started the process at about 11:am and finnished about 4pm.
Long story I put it back together and shot it just before dark. 7 shots Offhand real quick at 43 yards (i just threw up the target and guessed the distance measured afterward.) 6.8 inch group Offhand - the one shot opened it from 4.2"
I ordered a 24ga Track (NOT COLERAIN) oct to round barrel it was .579 bore (Kinda.)
when I "finished the bore", I ended at .586
I haven't shot it off a bench at a true 50yd but I think I might have fixed it, considering the offhand race at dusk.
Just tellin my story.