I've tried this question on a few sites and keep getting told I don't understand!!
My Buddy just informed me that on the Tc Patriot pistol.. the set triggers worked in reverse order.. ie, the front trigger is the setting trigger.. The "rear" one fires the pistol! does anybody have a pic or a diagram of how the parts are configured?? that's all I'm wanting
just a picture of the internals or a sketch/diagram of how the parts work..
That's All??? just a pic or sketch..
and for the Love of Pete,, Please don't explain to me again,, that I don't understand that set triggers work by setting the BACK trigger and releasing them with the Front!!
I KNOW how set triggers work.. and have actually made a few of them!!
So Please, can anyone lend a hand!!??
Thanks!! ( I feel much better now that the meds have kicked in! )
respect Always
aka, Jonathan