Author Topic: Steve Davis rifle on the Blog  (Read 3402 times)

Offline G-Man

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Steve Davis rifle on the Blog
« on: August 31, 2009, 02:55:37 PM »
A fine piece by one of the best (in my opinion, anyway) contemporary builders ever.  Steve has been mentioned a few times in posts on here in the past, but we don't get a chance to see too many examples of his work.  He was one of the first to learn from Hershel and branch out into his own styles of iron mounted guns, but works in iron and brass.  I remember when he had a booth at Friendship back in the 1980s, walking in there and just being blown away by the artistry and workmanship on his guns.  And although many folks are good at it, I don't think anyone is better at the lightly-aged look he achieves.

The last I heard he was focusing mainly on restoring fine antique British sporting guns.  The last time I saw him was at the CLA when it was still up in Northern Kentucky, maybe 8 or 9 years ago.  But if you ever get the chance to see a group of his guns on display, it is really impressive.  Has anyone heard more of him recently?


Offline Don Getz

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Re: Steve Davis rifle on the Blog
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2009, 03:29:14 PM »
Guy.......Steve was at the table next to me at the CLA show.   I don't know if he is building many guns, but he had several
on his table.   Always liked his work, nice guy too............Don

Offline G-Man

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Re: Steve Davis rifle on the Blog
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2009, 04:46:28 PM »
Hi Don - that is good to hear - I did not see him at the CLA for a number of years - unfortunately I had to miss the CLA this year so did not see his table. 

I would love to see more examples of his work - you guys who like iron mounted guns or southern guns in general but are not familiar with him would really enjoy it too.
