Having limited space to work in poses certain problems in a productivity sense, I have designated my "room" to an 8'x16' area, less than 130 sq ft. I do this for economic reasons as it is easy to heat in the winter as well as cool in the summer.
In this room I am cramming as much of my time consuming projects as space will allow, building (precarves as well as from the blank), engraving, carving, and now am looking towards tuning/building locks.
The problems I have been dealing with has been cleaning up after each phase of a project as bench space has been at a premium, I only had one area that most of my hand work was done, building, cleaning up castings, engraving, carving etc.
This last winter I started revamping my space in the interest of productivity and creature comforts, I installed openable windows, propane heat, wired my shop and eliminated 4 drop cords, had a free standing bench built to fit my needs, and most recently this last 2 weeks have been spent building job specific benches for my engraving and the little 6" lathe I picked up.
Building the benches requires moving 80% of the shop and re-storing a certain amount of stuff, shelves needed built etc. and now things need put back into organized working order.
Hopefully by the time the snow flies this winter I will be able to actually concentrate on my projects instead of spending so much time shuffling things around, and stumbling over everything.
How are those of you with limited space managing, or is it only me with these types of delimas ?
Engraving Bench...
5 1/2' long x 16" deep
Lathe Bench...