No action to be done on this by us as far as I know, but the J.M. Davis Museum in Claremore, OK may lose their collection. The trust that actually owns the collection has sued the museum to regain posession of the firearms. According to Oklahoma Educational Television from last PM, the trust alleges that the firearms have not been kept in "firing condition" & that off exhibition items have not been well cared for. There was a major theft from the museum several years back & somewhere over 100 firearms have yet to be found. This may have been an "inside job". Many of the trust's allegations are well founded, however they intend to SELL the collection for "infrastructure" improvements to Claremore if they win their suit. To say that this would be a major loss to the local community as well as the collecting community at large is an understatement. The museum has been mismanaged for a number of years after poor old Lee Good's death, but I thought that things had improved.
Roger B.