From the beginning, carve out what you want covered in pewter leaving a one inch ledge to pin it. A small hole counter winked on both sides anchors the nose cap. Don’t buy pewter ingots. Go to a second hand store and buy something made of food safe pewter ( engraved stuff is cheaper, and you don’t have to ship it. ) food grade is almost pure tin, much easier to cast than real old pewter. Use a carpenters pencil to put graphite on the wood on the bottom of the carved out recess. Make sure you have a wooden cap to cover the top of the muzzle end. Use a cast iron ladle, or a big spoon to melt your pewter. Melt your metal til it domes and looks like chrome, no more. I use Manila folder, and duct tape, with a fine piece of wire wound around the bottom to help stop leaks. And a red hot bolt about six inches long that fits your barrel. Now, heat the bolt (the head should be bigger than the bore of your gun.) melt your pewter, and pour in one fast continuous pour. Done !!!
Hungry Horse