I managed to get a quick response from the seller and rather than paste her response I'll have to paraphrase. First to paint the setting some, the individual and her fiancee have been collecting powder horns for a number of years (maybe 10-15?, my guess) and decided to sell off their 'collection'.
To my question as to 'who authenicated' she responded ' this piece did come from a well known auction house, so that might be authentication in itself.' Hmmmm. She also added 'our pieces have come from auctions all over new england spanning the past few years.' In her closing remarks she add, 'I know this type of item is subject to a lot of speculation and i understand your concern. I hope you are still inclined to offer.'
Yeeaaahhhh,,,,,,,,,, right.
I get the feeling that this couple have been 'collecting' a few pieces of Americana powder horns as investments and maybe along the way they figured that some of these haven't been the wisest decisions. Just to illustrate this is a horn listed by her fiancee.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270468357592&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:ITAt least this horn acutally looks like a powder horn. Still a lot of money, but you get free horn damage with this one. This makes the provenance true,,,,,doesn't it?