found one in an antique store near me[a very rare thing in my neck of the woods]. was very crude and probably a restock. butt area and comb shaped like a tennesse and was slim. forestock was thick,flat, and wide. for instance from top of barrel flat to bottom of forestock was almost 3 inches and very flat on the sides comming almost to a wide v at the bottom. no forend cap but did have 2 thimbles and an entry thimble. all thimbles were brass as was the butt plate which had a faceted top and looked of good quality. the trigger guard was a simple steel strap bent to form a bow for the triggers. double lever set triggers that were very smooth and still functioned quite well. breech area looked to be a standard breech plug with a short straight tang. barrel was straight octagon and short and looked to be around 40 cal.. it was percussion and part of the lock mortise was broken out and was attached to the trigger guard along with the piece of wood with bailing wire. couldn't find a name anywhere on barrel or lock. also the lock pannels were almost non existent, just a slight hump wider than the rest of the stock. looks like something put together out of a combination of parts and material at hand. definately not a fine gun but still very interesting since this is the first original I've had in my hands. they were asking $300 , but alas I'm just a poor ritired fellow. I may go back in a few days and see if they will alow me to take pictures