Author Topic: Abraham Kiser  (Read 1607 times)

Offline S-SFlint

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Abraham Kiser
« on: July 08, 2020, 08:29:44 PM »

I'm looking to locate rifles by this maker, particularly his early guns from the 1800-1810 period. I've yet to see an overhead view on one of these guns and I'd love to get a better feel for the geometry of the very low comb I've seen on his Lancaster style butts. Does anyone know if any of his rifles are in public collections?

Rifles would be signed A.Kiser, but possibly A*K as well. The most defining feature of his work is the patchbox, where the daisy head finial features puncture engraved petals and other details. The early guns are very Lancaster in stock geometry, but later guns could have more pronounced Upper Susquehanna features. Kiser died sometime between 1840 and 1850. He is listed in tax records for Fermanagh township Mifflin county (now Juniata) as a gunmaker in 1800, so it is possible that his style developed for over 40 years.

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Re: Abraham Kiser
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2020, 06:29:04 PM »
A quick internet search brought this one up, for sale. $6800, though Upper Susquehanna. Give them a call, and ask for more pictures.
It's the 5th gun down from the top.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 07:37:02 PM by JTR »
John Robbins

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Re: Abraham Kiser
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2020, 08:14:15 PM »
I'll have to contact them and see if it's possible to get a better look at that rifle. It's one I've seen pictures of before-- it was sold at Morphy's in '98 (iirc).

It's actually a pretty good example of the earlier guns I'm interested in-- straight butt, lancaster style brass, pins instead of of keys and inlays, etc. I'd be interested in why this gun is being dated to 1810-1825. I'd put it 1800-1810.

Many thanks.

Hopefully I can add to my file on this rifle, but it doesn't increase the number of guns I've been able to document. I currently have pictures of two guns, and written descriptions on two more. I would love to locate additional rifles if they're out there.

Archie the Baldy

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Re: Abraham Kiser
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2022, 08:33:57 PM »
I just inherited one of these. I was told circa 1780 or so. Reach out if you would like pictures or any information.