A some of you know, I USED to be a common fixture around here but hung up my chisels and gravers around 2007. Recently, I have been considering trying to get my feet wet in the gun stocking game again. I can't make any chips before next fall due to work and a misfortunate boo boo but am going to try to get and stay involved in the mean time to hopefully become reved up and confident enough to try my hand at gun cobbling by then. The last project that I was working on, a Kuntz/Rupp inspired squirrel gun has been hanging on the wall mostly finished since I quit all those years ago and I think I am ready to try to finish it and MAYBE start another. It has been a LONG time and I will have to do some research to make sure that the architecture of the forestock is done correctly (My memory aint so good). I will try to stop in and "peruse" the sight when I can and will probably stick my nose into a thread from time to time if I feel I have something to add. So, that being said, while I HAVE built a small handful of guns in a previous life, I am pretty much "starting a new" and am pretty much a nooby at this point. Looking forward to getting back in the groove.