Author Topic: Do these flint sizes look right?  (Read 939 times)

Offline AZshot

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Do these flint sizes look right?
« on: December 06, 2023, 12:23:27 AM »
Readers may have seen my post about flashes in the pan.  I decided to buy some flints, because I was getting low.  I have been shooting the size on the right.  They always looked a little small to me, they were not nearly as wide as the frizzen.  But I had researched them when I ordered them, and thought they must be right.  This is for my Don Bruton Gillespie rifle with a Late Ketland lock.  I'm just learning Flintlocks...did percussion for years.

I researched again (I don't remember numbers very well) and found a Late Ketland Chambers lock should use a 3/4" flint.  So that's what I told the man at Stonewall Creek.  They came and are a lot wider than what I've been using.  Are these too wide?  They throw a shower of sparks alright.

Offline Stoner creek

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Re: Do these flint sizes look right?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2023, 12:47:37 AM »
Don’t worry about how wide they are so long as they don’t plow into the barrel. Just scoot that flint over to the right a tad.
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Offline MuskratMike

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Re: Do these flint sizes look right?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2023, 01:04:35 AM »
I also have Don Bruton Gillespie rifle with a Chambers Late Ketland lock. I use a French Amber 3/4x7/8 flint can't ever remember a "flash in the pan" that wasn't caused by me not picking the vent. Hope this is of some help. Would love to see additional photos of the rifle. Free free to message me the photos or I can send you my email address.
"Muskrat" Mike
"Muskrat" Mike McGuire
Keep your eyes on the skyline, your flint sharp and powder dry.

Offline AZshot

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Re: Do these flint sizes look right?
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2023, 03:48:17 PM »
Hi, my rifle is in this post:

I really like it, it's in my profile pic, a wetplate I took of myself.  My family married into the Gillespie line in the 1820s-1860s, lived in Mills River, NC, and worked with the Gillespies helping them make rifles. 
« Last Edit: December 07, 2023, 03:52:41 PM by AZshot »