Yes, I knew "Louie" Poole and "Bill" Lenhart quite well but it was a long time ago. As I remember they were based more in the Portland/Salem area of Oregon. They attended shooting matches and rendezvous in the Washington to northern California circuit in the 1980's. Poole was the elder and Lenhart the apprentice who came to outshine his master and do the majority of the work. Lenhart took the engraving of the rifles to a much higher level an improved the overall quality although he Always credited Louie as his mentor and I believe the workshop was Louies'. i have no memory of ever being there.
I guess I lost track of them in the early 90's(?) due to changes in my own life. At that time there was a very active shooting circuit with major competitons and the a demand for quality ML guns and rifles. All custom builders needed to provide accurate and highly functional rifles which Bill and Louie did. The inlay work, patchboxes, carving and engraving set their rifles apart. I would say Plains rifles were more popular and larger calibers prevailed, (.50-.58). Most barrels were straight and many folks hunted with their guns. Bill and Louie built mainly Penn. style long rifles with these regional influence. Your fine rifle sure looks typical of their work.
There was a major ML gunshow in Kent, WA, a major winter shoot in Bend, OR and a major fall shoot in Grants Pass, OR along with a host of other rendezvous and shoots in between. I would believe the two attended all of these(?) My memory certainly could use some reminders, it was a long time ago. A pleasure to be reminded~~
Steven Dodd Hughes, Gunmaker