I figure Jim Kibler is quite busy but if I run into a problem only he can help with I will do that. Kibler is sending me a replacement tang screw that should arrive tomorrow. Fitting the barrel and tang, and the trigger assembly is as far as I have gotten. In Jim Kibler's assembly video for the SMR he had no trouble fitting the barrel and tang but had an issue with the same tang screw as I but the shank was too thick on his while the head was too tall and flat on mind. My inexperience had me wondering why the screw wouldn't go as deep as it should but with a little study I figured that out. I had another concern I won't mention that a friend here helped with and I'm good. Jim Kibler says in his video that they don't make the tang bolts. You gents with lathes could have handled a bolt fix but the bottom of the head is convex and I didn't want to try it with a file and a power drill. I don't want my lack of gun-building skills to disparage Kibler kits, and I very much appreciate the help I have received!