Yip, I remember that you require that chair. In your case, you might try to figure out a way to move the workpiece to be in a comfortable range for you. That might mean moving the workpiece more often than you'd like, but you can get used to it, and figure out a way to do it quickly.
I know that if I try to reach very far with the tools, my work suffers (even more than usual!). I have to keep the work and tools close to my body to be in control. I either have to move my body (maybe not as easy for you), or I have to move the workpiece.
I also really need good light, AND vision correction so I can actually see where my tools are going. I really need to see what I'm doing wrong! It's taken a while to figure these things out on my own, and since vision keeps changing, so does my workspace.
And the workpiece needs to be REALLY, REALLY stable. If your bench, or table, or vise moves when you try to put some force into the work, the tool will not go where you want. Is it possible you may be having issues with your chair moving a bit too?