Nice guns! Too many uppy downy lines in the wood! can always paint over them.
So I'll be able to see them in a few weeks. I'm excited! I like Brad's work.His own Penn Mtn. rifles are appealing too.
I went to the range with Daryls and Taylor today for some bench shooting also. Since cannons are banned at Heffley, these animals are bringing their hand cannons; a puny .62 Hawkling and some off shore Sporting Jackhandle in .69 . Gotta tell ya,these#^*^#@!&^^%er's can shoot! Taylor's rifle(a Hawken) is sighted for 2 hundred and needed a sight picture for 100yds. Daryls, well he just blew up the country side!LOL! He's deadly off the bench so I kept passing him my loaded new little 40! Nice to be the referee betwixt the two bro's! I chot the chits so I'll be easier at Heffley! Embarrassing terrible flinch! yikes.