I know this has been discussed in the past but I can't find my notes.
What steel are the current barrel makers using? My hack saw and files tell me they are not all the same.
Depends GM are 1137 GB quality. Rayl was using 8620 at one time at least I was so told, he sent me a piece of it to build a breech from and I cut off a piece as a test and it through hardened. Dunno what it was but it was not 8620.
Many use leaded screw stock. 12L14 mill run. Meant to make low grades screws in automatic screw machines. Its easy to get and being heavily loaded with lubricant metals its cuts really smooth. But the sulfur, lead and phosphorus form flaws in the bars.
The problem with Gun Barrel quality, from the small volume makers standpoint. Is that it and the other higher grade steels have to be ordered in furnace melt lots so they would have to pool orders or by a couple of semi-load's. And the furnace has to be clean to assure they can make the impurities level for the grade being made when its inspected. So it costs more, Gun Barrel quality is not the top grade steels. There are higher grades, Aircraft and Nuclear. Nuclear is used for reactors and refinery according to a friend who was working in a refinery as a welder.
Mill run stuff is whatever comes out of the furnace that matches the grade they are making. Flaws and inclusions in the bar are to be found by the end user.
Wolfgang, when I was working at Shiloh would get GB 1137 in as a truck load. This was the standard barrels steel used. But the high pressure rounds for the Texas Ranger guns (60000+) had 4140/4150. Since I told Wolf that 1137 was not good enough. I dunno where he got it but he knew people in the firearms industry and got a small lot from someone. Roy really whined as it was a lot harder to turn and thread cleanly compared to 1137. I think that they use on of the chromoly alloys now.