New member here and greetings to you all…earlier today I sent this request over to ALR member Runastav, but I don’t think it went through.
I would like to have someone with the skill and expertise to make a copy of an all-steel Scottish flintlock circa 1720 (featured in “Sword and the Sorrows”). It is heavily decorated with silver inlay, but I am fine without it unless you, or someone you know might be able to provide that extra service.
It has a brass barrel that I would like in .50 (I will get you the exact diameter based on the bullet mold that I don’t have in front of me
at the moment).
I will pay $3,000 to the right artist/fabricator (metalsmith/blacksmith/gunsmith), plus
an additional cost if silver inlay work is possible. Please note that I am looking for a near-perfect hand-crafted copy of this dag, and not some type of reworked/modified modern replica.
If you are interested, please send me an approximate completion date, and a brief statement (or examples) regarding your qualifications. Thank you for your interest.
Attached photo: