I am by the far the least skilled of all the Carper smiths since they arrived in America mid 1700's
however I manage to make all my own furniture and challenge anyone interested to try it. Truth be told over the years a professional blacksmith shop gathers a huge group of tools,anvils,blocks, etc. but almost none of it is needed to make your OWN butts,guards, thimbles, sights, plates, etcl. If I were in the market for an anvil I would not waste my money on a stake anvil or any asian junk. I you are going make steel furniture like you see on mountain rifles your anvil needs to have only a small section of good edge and flat which you will find usually in decent shape around the hardy hole because most folks who abused a anvil were afraid to hit it hard there. You wont be hitting hard, just tapping... cause your metal will be hot. One little crosspeen, one little ball peen, a hacksaw, a little rivet forge is the cadillac for this work. Ill bet you could find a little hundred pound anvil beat up but ok for your use for 100 or so.Again, if you have any interest in making rifles, try making the furniture, you will never, ever use storebought again. ( brass mounted need not apply) If you have never even hit a hot piece of metal , if you play around with it for a week, look at some example ( the cast storebought ones are useful after all) draw what you want it to look like, buy some little pieces of mild steel for next to nothing and start today. You will be more proud of that gun than any you have ever made. I bet. Johnny