The new owner wanted as if it had been on the frontiers about 10 years,
That's who it is for Thanks guys,It was intersting putting this together,We used a lot of primary documentation.Plus castings and parts taken from originals is cool.Now the stock came preshaped from TRS,it was not bad,lets just say that Fred Miller has spoiled me in that department,they need to address some layout issues ,mainly in the breech,RR,and lock area.But I am happy with the end results.Thank you all for the kind words,Alex
Aw shoot...I liked "Saint Eighteen"!
I 'magine there is/was a whole bunch of subtly different ways to pronounce it, depending on the location and the time. betcha French Caribbean Louisiana Creole would have said it different from an 18th century Acadian which would vary from that of a Quebecois which would have been different from a western plains Metis; and of course the inhabitants of the town in France where the arsenal would have disparaged all of them with terminal disdain.I got my pronunciation from Rene' Bouchard when he corrected me at one of the Fur Trade Conferences, and I wasn't about to quibble with him