I would like to pick your collective brains about glue.
I've recently acquired an antique rifle with an old break and repair at the wrist (the usual location). Apparently when the break occurred (a 100 years or so ago) about a dozen small forged nails were hammered into the area to be repaired and it's held well for all of these years.
Here is my problem. The repair has worked loose (slightly) and a small gap in the wood is beginning to show. I would like to stabilize the break and get some glue into the joint, but the crack is so slight that I can't open it enough to get enough glue in it to get a decent repair. Many years ago, I remember someone showing me a way to heat a certain type of glue to make it liquid and then draw it into a syringe and inject the glue into a slight crack, then clamp it to make the repair. My question is this, does anyone know of a glue that liquefies when it's heated and stays that way long enough to do what I need to do?
I know, the best way to do this repair would be to simply complete the break and then glue it properly, but trust me, that would open a can of worms that I don't want to deal with at this point. Besides, the old repair actually looks pretty good and I want to leave it.
I figured that someone here might have done something similar and would know what glue would work for this project.