That's interesting..."anal." OK, some of us are interested in keeping things consistent with what we have handled and what we see as congruent with the originals in a particular region or a school, but do not see ourselves as "copyists." Some would likely argue that I occasionally deviate too far from the traditional norm, often on carving, because I do take personal liberties with that and do not always stay within strict county lines.
But, speaking of that, if you were to enter a Lancaster with a Bedford lock, or a Lancaster with a "sheath" plate, you'd likely hear about that from the Dixons' judges, and they would be right in pointing it out.
I do not mean to belittle contests and fairs, as I enjoy them the same as the next guy, but there is the manifest motive, as outlined by the event promoters; that is education. But then there is the latent motivation of most of the entrants...nothing but "blue." Wanna' place a wager? Take the average participant and offer him A:) A booby-prize (participant's) green ribbon and 5 pages of criticism, or B:) A blue ribbon and an "atta-boy," and guess which choice most will make. On the contrary, lots of proud, testosterone-fueled egos put up with the criticism in hopes of hitting a good year and "winning." Nothing wrong with this; why deny that it is a (the) primary motivator.
And the primary motivation of the fair is to sell blackpowder products; pure and simple. Education serves as a noble backdrop and theme for an event that in the blackpowder world is big business. Hard to deny, and, again, nothing wrong with it. I plan to cash in this summer, too...with my administrative assistant and her entourage to face the public. We'll be selling good hickory ramrods for $5.95 and French flints (which I found in Calais) for $3.50. I am transferring a well-known retailing technique learned from Fogelsville Hotel and Amsterdam boutiques...smiles sell product. We'll have an ample supply, but will probably be outta' there by Sat. evening and down by the 'crick with a bottle of Rakija after lunch that day. Catch us early for best results.