Author Topic: NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers  (Read 5687 times)

Candle Snuffer

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NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers
« on: September 10, 2008, 04:08:19 PM »
I was just reading in my September issue of Muzzle Blast - the "2008 Spring Shoot Report" page 9, and am always concerned when I see the
number of participation at these and other events dwindle.  The numbers here that are talked about is the Registered Shooters, 1023 - down 71 from 2007...

Granted, many factors could have contributed to this decline, however taking hits like this in loss of participation does/or should, get some folks to asking why the losses, and what can we do about them?

I have only visited Friendship three times in my life, once in the '80's, twice in the late 90's...  It was always a busy place and a sea of vehicles when you had to look for a place to park.  Traders Row was packed!

Over the years I've heard and read about dwindling participation at Friendship, and as always it begs the question, why?  I think it's a given that our sport does not have the numbers coming into it as compared to those leaving it, yet what is being done to draw new members?

The NMLRA is one organization in my humble opinion that we can ill afford to let dwindle away over the coming years.  I do wonder what we can do to see a return to the 'glory' days of Friendship, Indiana and the NMLRA?

Offline T*O*F

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Re: NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2008, 04:34:13 PM »
Don't be too concerned.  You have to remember that the place had just been wiped out by a flood.  With the imminent danger of more rain, the fair weather folks were worried and stayed home.  Likewise, there was flooding in other areas of the country at the same time.  My buds from Iowa had to make 3 detours because of flooded roads before they could get into Illinois.  This included I-80.

Those of us that did attend had our usual good time.
Dave Kanger

If religion is opium for the masses, the internet is a crack, pixel-huffing orgy that deafens the brain, numbs the senses and scrambles our peer list to include every anonymous loser, twisted deviant, and freak as well as people we normally wouldn't give the time of day.
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Candle Snuffer

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Re: NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 08:56:42 PM »
I had forgotten all about the flood... :o  And I even made a small donation to help with the cleanup.

Yes, that makes sense of why numbers were down this year.  I need to get back that way myself as its been awhile since my last visit.

Thanks for reminding me TOF of the flood.  How I could have forgotten about that is brain lapse on my part. :) 


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Re: NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2008, 09:21:12 PM »
I was just reading in my September issue of Muzzle Blast - the "2008 Spring Shoot Report" page 9, and am always concerned when I see the
number of participation at these and other events dwindle.  The numbers here that are talked about is the Registered Shooters, 1023 - down 71 from 2007...

Over the years I've heard and read about dwindling participation at Friendship, and as always it begs the question, why?  I think it's a given that our sport does not have the numbers coming into it as compared to those leaving it, yet what is being done to draw new members?

What? No influx of new blood from the inline shooters that the NMLRA seems to be trying to recruit?

Maybe they need to promote new matches for inlines?  ::)

Mike Norin

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Re: NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2008, 09:51:30 PM »
I think that the cost of gas and everything else going sky high , that it makes it harder than it used to be to get anywhere , and most folks are planning to stay closer to home and do more local events. I hope that if weather and fuel starts to get a little better you might get the numbers up a little better . A lot of us are getting older and don't seem to travel as much as we use to , and the young folks dont have as much vacation and cash to use unless its a well planned trip , we just might have a little drop in numbers for now. ... just my opinion .

Offline Tim Crosby

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Re: NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2008, 10:18:02 PM »
I think membership and participation in most organizations in down, Even membership in the American Legion and VFWs is down. I know that not everyone can join but even those who can don't.  Don't take this wrong but young people do not get as involved in things like they used to. Maybe it is just a cyclical thing and we are just in a down phase, who knows, only time will tell.

M2CW Tim C.

PS: Wow, I edited about three pages of BS to get to  5 sentences. 

Offline T*O*F

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Re: NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2008, 11:21:02 PM »
Even membership in the American Legion and VFWs is down. Don't take this wrong but young people do not get as involved in things like they used to.

Today's youngsters are dope smokers, not alcoholics.  That's why they don't join either organization.   :D

Dave Kanger

If religion is opium for the masses, the internet is a crack, pixel-huffing orgy that deafens the brain, numbs the senses and scrambles our peer list to include every anonymous loser, twisted deviant, and freak as well as people we normally wouldn't give the time of day.
-S.M. Tomlinson

Offline T*O*F

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Re: NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2008, 11:26:20 PM »
Maybe they need to promote new matches for inlines?

Actually they have enough classes for them and they have the same level of participation as other matches.  It's the matches on the Primitive side that are down cause there aren't enough reenactors who attend anymore.

Dave Kanger

If religion is opium for the masses, the internet is a crack, pixel-huffing orgy that deafens the brain, numbs the senses and scrambles our peer list to include every anonymous loser, twisted deviant, and freak as well as people we normally wouldn't give the time of day.
-S.M. Tomlinson


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Re: NMLRA 2008 Spring Shoot Numbers
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2008, 12:26:13 AM »
Actually the primitive match's are holding there own petty well.Being down 70 or so shooters is well within the normal range.This is not to say that overall the number of shooters is not declining.Now even the schools are teaching that shooting and hunting are bad things that are outdated.Its a PC thing.