yes, but ---- the 30" will probably shoot just as accurately, but may take another 5gr. of powder to do it. Even rifle barrels converted to pistols will shoot exceptionally well. I have one such pistol with 2 barrels - one for serious target work and the other for serious work. The .45 has an 18" twist while the .54 has a 66" twist. They will both shoot into 2" easily at 50 yards, but the slow twist .54 requires 60gr. 3F to do it, while the .45 uses 20gr. I kindq like it that way. The .54 matches my 4" .44 mag for ball vs bullet weight and velocity - 1,200fps. What the modern pistol doesn't have, is diameter. of course, if you need more than one shot, the revolver is superior- but not for accuracy - about even.