I'm not sure where this thread should be posted, so if the moderators feel that it should be moved, please do so.
The Tim Murphy thread started the wheels turning as to what type of longrifle might typify the guns carried by Morgan's riflemen.
While looking through both volumes of RCA, I happened to look closely at # 19, again. This is a heavily Germanic piece, but the lines and architecture speak to me.
Back in the late '80s, I contacted a fairly well known local, budding, but very good gunmaker to commission him to make a reasonable copy of this piece. he refused to build such a "boat paddle" because he didn't think it was a good, representative piece. He said that he "wouldn't put his name on something like that." He went on to say that he could just hear a master telling an apprentice" Ya, you go ahead and make it that way." said with a thick German accent. He continued to say that the reason that this piece has survived in such good condition is that it would be very uncomfortable to shoot, so it was stuck back in a corner, somewhere out of the way.
Maybe my perception of this piece is flawed, but I really don't think so.
I'm curious as to what the membership thinks about this piece because I have placed in on my to do list. I like the lines, but would it be a comfortable piece to shoot over an afternoon or to carry for several miles through hills and hollers of southern Missouri? I think it would make a dandy hunting, trekking, reenacting piece, but what say you?
God bless