Rupp Center, downtown Lexington. Clean college town. Plenty of restaurants, horse racing and bourbon country. That's the backdrop.
Now, envision two huge rooms, the larger actually being a blend of several rooms and a big entry area. One big room will be filled with many of the best original Kentuckies and related accoutrements to exist on planet earth. Some are for sale; some not. The rest of the space is loaded with contemporary guns, parts, and accessories. Similar to Dixon's, many of the same vendors, but a different ambiance; being farther south and west, there's an overlap, but not a carbon copy.
I guess it would be fair to say that with a barrel full of $100 bills (big barrel) one could walk home with a classic collection of both originals and contemporaries, all collected in one weekend. I know of no better place to drop a mega-wad.