Author Topic: Dixon's Fair 2010 All Over!  (Read 4286 times)


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Dixon's Fair 2010 All Over!
« on: July 26, 2010, 10:10:02 PM »
Well, as we all recover from 3 days of sweltering heat in our air-conditioned homes its time to digest everything.

I thought my head was pounding from the heat but it happens to be from all the knowledge I was absorbing and still trying to sort out.....perhaps it's from my wife beating me for spending too much money??? :o ;D

Maybe it is still pounding from reading the Judges notes and wondering what they ment..."must see orginal work" ??????   The guns entered were just amazing quality and the competition.....lets just say unbelieveable!

The Bags and Horns were breathtaking.  It looked like alot of ALR members did quite well.

A great time was had untill......the rain on Sunday...oh but it was much cooler then.  Just a little wet and muddy and the crowds fled like everyone was going to melt!

My batteries went dead on my camera so I don't have any pictures to post be maybe someone will so the ones that couldn't made it can start drooling and planning for NEXT YEAR!!!

To all the friends I met, both new and old, have a great year and see you in 2011! ;D
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 10:36:39 PM by RDillon »

Offline rich pierce

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Re: Dixon's Fair 2010 All Over!
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2010, 12:51:45 AM »
It was another great event and as always, a pleasure to make new acquaintances and renew old ones.  There are a lot of folks out there doing very fine work.
Andover, Vermont


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Re: Dixon's Fair 2010 All Over!
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2010, 02:53:29 PM »
Who won what?

I had to leave early Sunday. About 1:30 my wife called me, it seems that though the storm may have not hit there, we got clobbered in Northern Virginia. According to the weather service we had 75+mph winds or a F1 tornado.  She was in a panic( doesn't handle stress well) 3 BIG trees were blown down one just missed the corner of the house, another took out 2 sections of board fencing and crushed a 10' gate in the mares paddock and the third one flattened 3 sections of fencing in the stallions paddock and he got loose.  So in the middle of the storm she is out searching for him, fortunately we are surrounded by other people with horses so he doesn't go far. Power was out and the roof was leaking in 3 places AND it is her birthday!

To atone for being gone for the weekend I did buy her a nice antique yarn winder that was for sale at the barn across the road. Seems that the last couple of trips up there I spend more money at the barn then with the vendors.

I had 2 guns entered for judging, my copy of the Bumford Trade Gun and a Pattern 1738 Land and Sea Service Musket. Now for the rub of it. No one involved with the judging made ANY attempt to listen to me and let me explain why I had to leave. All I got was 'the rules say you have to leave the guns until 3:00 when the ribbons will be awarded'. Two people behind the table wouldn't even TALK to me they just walked away and went and stood in the corner! One of the judges finally came up and when I tried to explain my situation all he said is 'why go home you can't do anything about the weather'!!!! Huh??? Finally another guy agreed to go out with me and talk to Chuck who was directing traffic. He kept giving me the same line about judging and 3:00. I told him to keep the ribbons if I had won any, I need to leave now. It was like talking to a brick wall. Now I was getting PO and I told him give me my guns or I will get them myself. At that point he figured out I serious and said OK.

Lesson learned


Offline mountainman

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Re: Dixon's Fair 2010 All Over!
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2010, 05:37:33 AM »
does anybody know who got the best of show?

Offline Roger Fisher

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Re: Dixon's Fair 2010 All Over!
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2010, 09:07:02 PM »
does anybody know who got the best of show?
At the very end I heard that questioned asked and couldn't pick up the answer (don't hear too well) seemed as though it was simply forgotten.. ???

I was not in a position to worry about it! ::)