In October '07 I bought a quart of Heinz distilled white vinegar (5% acidity) and dropped a 3" long piece of 1/8" dia. 1018 steel in it. A few days later I added 6" of 1/8" dia., 50 year old fence wire. Screwed the cap on and forgot about it until a couple of weeks ago.
There was a lot of milky looking sludge on the bottom but the liquid was a great reddish tea sort of color. I poured the liquid thru a paper coffee filter and discarded the sludge, then filtered the liquid again. After sitting a few days the liquid had formed a rusty red looking skim on top. When I picked up the bottle the skim turned to flakes and sank to the bottom. Now the liquid is sort of milky looking.
Should I keep filtering?
Did I use too much steel/iron and so, need to cut the solution with more vinegar?
Should I throw it out and start over?