Here is a pouch recently completed by my son, Michael.
He and about 15 of his Cub Scout packmates (all 3rd graders) have been working since the summer on pouches and they are starting to get them completed. The boys traced templates on cardboard, which I traced onto leather and cut into kits. Each boy was assisted to some degree by his parents. Some very little, others more.
Michael punched the holes and did the stitching, dyed the bag, and polished it. Unsure of his X-acto knife skills, I cut the eagle piercing on the flap.
Here in Williamsburg, our boys have ready access to Colonial Williamsburg and the craftsmen there. The sound of a Brown Bess going off is pretty common, so the idea was an easy sell with the boys and their parents.
As the other boys finish up, I'll post more. I'm working on a craft manual for other Scouts to use, and will make it available to other Scouts and leaders when it is done.
Next summer, maybe powder horns.
Larry Luck