Here are some progress pics of my second build. I have the fore end slimmed to approximately 1/8" and an starting to inlet the entry pipe so I can start rounding and shaping. Right now it is very slab sided. I would like to hear any pointers and constructive criticism ya'll might have, please. Right now I could use some pointers on methods for shaping the lock panels.... I did alright with the lock panels on my first build, but I got there by lots of fumbling, guessing and some dumb luck also.
Lock inlet, starting trigger plate.
Side panel brought down to proper width and sketched to shape. Also some ideas for carving behind cheek piece. I haven't shaped the cheek-piece yet.
Lock side, panels outlined but not fully shaped yet. Trigger guard inlet.
Inletting sideplate and removing s little excess wood.
Starting entry thimble inlet.
Thanks for looking.