How is a wood under rib secured to a round barreled, halfstock shotgun? I've never seen one in the flesh, only photos on the web. I'm thinking of trying it, and my best guess is soldering on underlugs which are small enough to inlet flush into the rib and pin it to the barrel. My guess on the ramrod pipes is to inlet them into the rib as usual and pin them. Although the barrel I have is meaty, dove tails are out of the question and I'm sure any attempt to drill and tap the barrel would leave dimples in the bore, at best.
Wood under ribs sound like a cheap way to go, and and maybe it was cheaper, but some of the guns I've seen on the web appear to have been pretty fair guns in their day. Maybe the wood was a way to save weight. I've seen photos of wood ribs on full round and octagon to round barreled guns.