You have to be real careful with hammering on a butt-plate. Other wise you could end up trying to glue the toe of the butt back on.
I use soot from an oil lamp on the butt plate and a light tap with a mallet to mark the high spots. I start with a rasp to work down the high spots but once I get close to finished fit I switch over to scrapers. Soot the metal, hold the butt-plate in position, tap with mallet, remove butt-plate, scrape off the soot, repeat.....
Once I have a good fit I might have to tighten-up the fit in a few spots. That's where the hammer comes in. You can close up a gap of 5 or 10 thandths of an inch, maybe a 64th, but any more than that is just not quality work in my opinion. Remember that you are NOT hammering on the butt-plate in the direction parallel to the barrel - at least I don't. I hammer on the edge of the plate, perpendicular to the long axis of the gun to fatten the edge of the plate a little. Often when doing this I don't even rest the stock on a hard surface - just hold it in the palm of my hand. Hammering is for squeezing out a hairline gap - not for anything more.
Best Regards,