I just bought one a couple of months ago. It is not as fancy as what you describe. Mine would seem, pardon the expression, more of a "poor boy's" hunting horn (or a working man's horn). It has a band around the open end and is carved nicely with a bulbous end to place your mouth on. It has a blue tick hound (at least that is what it looks like) relief carved near the open end. The remnants of strap were fastened to a steel band near the mouth end and another piece of steel riveted near the big end. I hate to say, but I only paid $20 for it. Like the other comments on your proposed purchase, I have no way to know how much it would be worth, and mine may be worth much more than I paid for it--at least I hope it is. Also, I have no way of dating my horn, but I suspect it is nowhere near 200 years old.