The corrosion tests cited at ctcmuzzleloaders-etc are pretty much what got me to start using ballistol, and I have been satisfied with the results I've gotten using ballistol.
However, the way I read the tests, they were simulating dirty/powder contaminated fingerprints on the outside of the barrel by dissolving powder in water and rubbing the solution on a flat piece of steel. For a gun, tThe bore is subject to corrosion due to the byproducts of gunpowder burning (or exploding, or whatever the correct term is for when it goes bang) under pressure and high temps, so applying that test data to bore protection is a bit of a stretch, seems to me.
I have found, though, that cleanup and bore rusting haven't been much of a problem since I started cleaning with cool water until the patches were clean, using ballistol inside and outside of the barrel, andl doing a followup check the next morning. For my guns that are infrequently shot, or that have earned an honorable retirement, about every three months they all get checked and given another application of Ballistol.