Author Topic: McCosh gunsmiths.  (Read 3026 times)


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McCosh gunsmiths.
« on: January 14, 2010, 07:26:52 PM »

Samuel McCosh the elder  (1796-1868).  gunsmith.  Samuel McCosh the elder, gunsmith, has been reported to have been the uncle of a second man, also a gunsmith, named Samuel McCosh.  Samuel McCosh the elder was first listed as a gunsmith in Peters Township, Washington County, in 1816 and 1817, in tax lists.  From 1826 through 1830 he was a gun smith in Pittsburgh.  From 1831 through 1846 his name was on the tax rolls of Nottingham Township, Washington County.  OPn 5 December 1820 Samuel married Elizabeth, sister of Thomas Allison, a gunsmith, suggesting that McCosh may have apprenticed with Allison  [Rosenberger].  A rifle jointly signed by Mathias Ringle and Samuel McCosh suggests that Ringle was an apprentice or journeyman in the employ of one of two gunsmiths named Samuel McCosh.  The U.S. Census of 1850 listed Samuel McCosh (53), gunsmith, with land valued at $2000, with Elizabeth (45), his wife; and these children: Nancy Jane (17), Sarah E (9), Allison (8) and Eliz (11) and Mary J McFadden (9), all born in Pennsylvania; living in Collins Township, Allegheny County.  In 1860 the U.S. Census showed Samuel McCosh (64), a farmer, with $2200 in land and $300 in personal value; Elizabeth (58), his wife; and Sarah (20) in Collins Township.  Samuel McCosh the elder was on the tax lists of Collins Township from 1850 through 1868.  There was nothing of interest to us in his will or estate as he was a farmer in his last years.

Samuel McCosh the younger.  gunsmith.  Samuel McCosh the younger was listed in the tax rolls of Nottingham Township, Washington County in 1835 and 1836.  He was listed in the Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities of 1849 and 1857 58 at 22 Diamond, Pittsburgh.  It is believed that he was a nephew of the first Samuel McCosh. In the U.S. Census of Industry of 1850 Samuel McCosh, gunsmith, was in the fifth ward, Pittsburgh.  He had $100 capital investment.  Over the previous twelve months he had bought 100 gun barrels and other parts for $500 and had made rifles and guns valued at $1500.  He employed one hand at $22 a month.  From 1862 through 1890 he was back in Washington County.  The U.S. Census of 1870 showed Samuel McCosh (56), gunsmith, with land valued at $1500 and $250 in personal value; with Nancy (39), Lydia Jane (20) and John (15), a farm laborer; all born in Pennsylvania.  They were living in Union Township, Washington County.  The U.S. Census of 1880 listed Samuel McCosh (67), gunsmith, with Nancy (47) his sister; living in Union Township, Washington County.  Samuel's shop was located in Gastonville, just west of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad crossing.  There are no records that show when or where Samuel McCosh the younger died.  Dr. Jim Herron recalls knowing an elderly gentleman who, in his youth, remembered McCosh as an old man, living in Gastonville, but did not know where or when McCosh died.

The earlier posting on McCosh family had some errors. The 2 men were uncle/ nephew and absolutekly not father/son. My late abd very good friend, Jim Herron, VMD, spent a lifetime studying these guns. The name incidentally was pronounced Mc CUSH [rhyme with rush].