It definately can be done, but to do it, start small. and go slow in order to adjust. First, take a depth mesurement where the key is at from the top of the barrel, then set the barrel into the stock. Then make a light mark where the stock and the barrel will rest. Measure the depth from the mark on the barrel to the key slot on the lug. this will give you the depth from the top of the stock to where you will center the slot. Also, you will have to measure your length of where the slots will go. You can take two measurements to find the front and the back of the slot. or you can measure for the center and gradually work out with a swiss file. It is time consuming, but do-able. Use your muzzle as a reference for the length measurements and the top of the barrel for depth. If you have a calipers this will help as you can lock you measurements for uniformity.